I served during Operation Desert Storm and the Los Angeles Riots, and then went on to run a security company for a few years. Every once in a while, I would have my friends over to shoot with me. One day, one of those friends asked if they could bring their kids so that they could learn to shoot. I asked how old they were, and they were at the age that they could learn more about firearms.
I spent time with those kids, working on firearm safety and how to shoot with them; when I was done, my friend told me that I should be a teacher for this kind of stuff. I laughed it off, but really thought about what that would look like…
Later on, I got with Overwatch Associates (formerly Bad Guy Down) and began working as an Assistant Instructor. The rest is history.
Today, I am a Firearms Instructor and a Chief Range Safety Officer with my own classes to instruct and teach.
Welcome to Double Dot Training, LLC. We are here to provide knowledgeable gun
and range safety training in order to give you the best experience in our classes.
All classes are taught by a Certified Instructor.